Error processing SSI file
Error processing SSI file

Student Services Educational Applications


The Student Locker Assignment system allows the user to add or change locker information and also assigns and de-assigns lockers to students. This system conveniently eases this chore with a variety of student-to-locker assignment schemes. The system can also manage up to six combinations per locker, rotating them from year to year. The Class List system can optionally print each student's locker number and combination on their locator card.

Here are some examples of locker assignment methods available in the standard Locker Assignment system:

  • Direct, one-to-one
  • Grouped by homeroom, grade, and gender
  • Alphabetic by grade
  • Reverse alphabetic by grade
  • Alphabetic with pairing of grades 10,11,12
  • Alpha, but with special assignments for band/chorus students

Some reports available with the Student Locker Assignment system include:

  • Listing of all available lockers
  • Listing of students without lockers
  • Mass assign lockers by section
  • Mass assign lockers by homeroom
  • Assign lockers to students, alpha by grade
  • Assign lockers to students, reverse alpha by grade
  • Assign any empty locker to any available student
  • Locker locator cards
  • Listing of student locker assignment file
Error processing SSI file
Error processing SSI file